My Story

My Story

The stories we tell about ourselves have power. They reflect our values and shape not just how others see us, but how we see ourselves. Making meaningful change in our health and behaviors requires that we be willing to understand and change our stories.

In 2013, I decided to change my story. I had previously worked in international finance and journalism. After having my daughters, I had shifted into community wellness. I grew in every job, but had begun to feel like I was treading water. I was hungry - no, starving - for a meaningful new challenge.
Jennifer Hanawald headshot | Health Coaching
That day, I was sitting across from a brilliant, trusted friend at my favorite cafe in Montclair, New Jersey. She was telling me about a life-changing experience in a year-long positive psychology course she had recently finished that covered research, tools and habits that directly lead to people living more satisfying lives. This loving mother and successful manager of a billion-dollar business closed by saying, “I don’t know anyone on the course who wouldn’t say it was the best thing they’ve ever done.”

Right then and there I decided to invest in myself in a way that permanently changed my life for the better.

My next steps included immersing myself in training and experiences that enabled me to more deliberately craft my story, to show up in my life in a more powerful, loving, and healthy way, and ultimately, to build my career as a change coach. Now I am motivated to help others do the same!

Today, I draw on research-based tools, practices, and processes from my training with leading educators from Harvard, Wharton, and Duke University in positive psychology and integrative health coaching. I have a certification in integrative health coaching from Duke Integrative Medicine and a certification in positive psychology and positive psychology coaching from Wholebeing Institute.

Every training I’ve embraced since that lunch meeting with my friend has been part of building the story of who I am today. I believe that like me, all my clients have stories from their past they can build on. Part of my job is to help them see there is already more to their story than they realize. Together we identify what is working well in their lives and build on that to make the changes they are dreaming of. To make the impossible, possible.
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