Integrative Healh Coaching

Integrative Health Coaching

As your personal health coach, I guide you through a change process from start to finish. From developing a clear vision of what a healthy and meaningful life means to you, to setting clear, ambitious but grounded-in-reality goals, to following through and celebrating your success… I’m with you every step of the way.
Integrative health coaching is…

A partnership. We work together to identify your goals and create strategies to achieve them.

Client focused. You are the expert on your life. We base our work on what is most important to you. I bring expertise in how change works. Together we devise strategies that are consistent with your values and your reality.

Integrative. We start by taking a look at your whole life. Movement, exercise and rest. Nutrition. Personal and professional development. Physical environment. Relationships and communication. Meaning and purpose. Mind-body connection. We design change in the context of your life. We are aspirational and grounded in reality.

Meaningful. Setting aside a few hours to assess your overall health - to understand where you are now and identify where you want to go - is a game changer. Then, you start taking focused action. I help you break things down, strategize, and stay on track. One of the outcomes I see over and over is my clients' increased confidence in their own strengths and abilities. 

Flexible. We assume that there will be set backs. Even some failures along the way. We learn from them together. We let go of strategies that don’t work, and find the ones that do. 

Fun. We are exploring what’s possible - and going for it! My clients are funny, insightful, and creative. Every session is an adventure, and though a few tears may get shed, sometimes we crack ourselves up.

My Approach

My work is grounded in the best research available about how people make successful, sustainable change. I draw on my training as a certified integrative health coach through Duke Integrative Medicine and training in positive psychology coaching through Wholebeing Institute. I combine tools from these evidence-based, innovative leaders in coach training with my life experiences and past work in international business, journalism and wellness in Europe, Asia, and the US.

I do most of my coaching by phone, which means we can work together, no matter where you are based. We can also arrange to work in person as needed. I’m based in Montclair, New Jersey, just west of New York City.
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